“She’s so pretty.”
“I wish I was that skinny.“
“Wow, they are goals.”
“I wish I was dating someone.”
We live in a culture where comments like these are made daily. I myself am guilty of this. Often times we compare ourselves to the pictures people post on Instagram or Facebook although we never know the insecurities someone is feeling or what is going on behind those pictures that are posted. The girl who you think is so pretty could struggle with her self-image and deal with anorexia. The girl who posts a picture of her boyfriend you might think of as “goals”, but in reality he has cheated on her several times or is controlling.
Stop wishing to live someone’s life when all you see is their highlight reel. The pictures posted are their best, but you have no idea what those people struggle with behind the screen. Stop comparing yourself to others because some of them might wish they were you.
Choose to start seeing yourself how Christ sees you—beautiful, wonderful, redeemed, and worthy. God chose to make you exactly how you are because He has a purpose for you that only you can serve. There is freedom when we learn to stop comparing ourselves to others highlights and focus on the purpose and plan God has for us as individuals.