Every woman is guilty of comparing themselves to other women on social media. You know that we all do it and that we shouldn’t. There are a few things you should think about before you start to compare yourself to that woman who looks picture perfect or your ex boyfriend's new whatever-she-is. So, first, remember that just about every “perfect” woman you see on social media has probably edited herself so much that she doesn’t really look anything like her photo. You would be amazed at all of the apps that completely allow people to alter themselves so much; making their waists smaller, skin smoother and teeth whiter.
Now, think about yourself when you post a picture and how you would only post a picture you thought you looked best in and realize that that’s what other people are doing too. A lot of times women post risky photos of themselves just to get a lot of likes, when in reality they could be very insecure about themselves. People want to show off their cool vacations or make it look like they have interesting lives when in reality, they are probably, just like you, sitting on their couch at home looking at other women on social media wanting to look just like them.
The last thing you should remember before browsing the explore page is that everyone is unique. We are all who we are for a reason. The bible says, “You saw me before I was born. Everyday of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16” For every Christian woman reading this, remember God made you just the way you are for a reason. He wants you to be you and be proud of yourself.
He made us all unique to bring something of our own to this world and you should remember how great you are. So, next time you decide to explore social media and compare yourself to others, remember how special you are.