Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've heard about the clown scare in our country recently.
The rundown: People have been dressing in creepy clown costumes terrorizing citizens. Sounds like I'm making it up, right? Nope. Sightings have occurred in several states throughout the U.S. in recent months. Some clowns have been seen with weapons. Some have actually attacked others, few victims have actually been killed. Some clowns have attempted to lure children into dark areas with candy or money.
It all started with some genius with the bright idea to start Halloween early. It scared the shit out of America. So more and more stupid clowns decided on some irrational thought that they too should join.
If I do say so myself, its about time these idiots stop. It's not funny. It's ridiculous. I literally cannot comprehend how this is even a thing. Like what? It's laughable that our country is in such a a state that Steven King's It has become a reality.
But, I can tell you how to end this "clown epidemic."
How many times did you hear as a child, if you ignore them, they will stop.
By them, I mean bullies. And it may seem naive, but these clowns are just bullies.
It started with one person. Wanna know how it caught on? Because we encouraged it. We fueled that fire. We are the reason more and more clowns appear. Just like bullies, if we didn't give them so much unnecessary attention, they would get bored and eventually stop.
I'm not belittling the seriousness of the crimes and harm that some have committed. In such cases, that is something to be taken seriously. People have died because of these stupid clowns. That deserves to be treated and covered like news.
But the rumors, the tweets, the shares, indicating how terrified everyone is, is the attention I am addressing. That's why this isn't going to end. Not until that attention stops. And when we decide to stop tweeting about it, these clowns will get bored and then media won't have any stories about menacing clowns to cover.
So open your eyes. Stand up for yourself. Stop living in fear.
Disclaimer: This isn't going to be the only way to solve this issue. I don't have all the answers but this is definitely a start.