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Stop Clowning Around

Stop Clowning Around

By now you should know about all these clown sightings unless you live under a rock. For those who do live under a rock, here is the low down on the clown situations. In several states, there have been sightings of people dressed up in clown outfits for a reason we still have yet to understand. It started off as some children saying they were approached by a clown that offered them money and candy and told them they had a house in the woods and tried to lure them. Nobody believed there were clowns because children make up things all the time. Thought the clowns were fake? Well, you are wrong.

More sightings of clowns started to uproar. This time, the clowns were carrying machetes, hand guns, and knives. Again, people thought it was made up because people make things up all the time. Again we were wrong. More and more clowns starting popping up in different states and sightings were being captured on camera. People are now dressing up as clowns and coming after people not just at night but in bright daylight. What is the reasoning to these attacks? Well, I'm here to tell you we still don't know. What is making these people dress as clowns and terrorize people like the world hasn't gone through enough this year?

There have been several videos captured and put on Facebook. For example, two guys were in the woods on a walk as they were talking about seeing a clown walking around. As they come across a bridge, they see someone in a bright clown suit walking. The one guy, being a complete idiot, starts yelling at the clown and they notice a knife in the person's hand. What do you know? The clown starts running after them so they start running away. How this clown caught up to them so fast with his big red shoes is beyond me. The one guy still recording catches the clown running after them and then it cuts out.

Still don't believe these clown sightings are real? Well get out from under your rock and believe it. There have been several other clown videos such as somebody was driving down the road at night and came across a clown standing in the road and as they start recording, the clown runs towards the car at the person. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, someone in a clown costume was shot and killed and since then there have been a few other incidents of clowns being shot and killed or people being mistaken for clowns and being killed.

So far there have been clown sightings in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

People are being told to keep doors and windows locked at night and to be aware of clown sightings. Why is it that we have to be scared every second of every day? My two biggest questions are, why are people doing this and who started it and how are we going to know if it's a killer clown or a chill clown on Halloween this year?

These clown situations could get worse and what is going to happen this Halloween? Could it possibly be canceled? I for one am scared for this Halloween. Clowns aren't just for kids parties anymore.

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