To some extent, when we get into relationships, we can usually tell where it's going.
A lot of times (trust me, I am as guilty as ever when it comes to this), we ignore the gut feeling that we have about someone, and we keep an unhealthy relationship (or lack of relationship) going when it really just needs to end as fast as it started.
We let ourselves get rejected a number of times until we finally realize that the person we are chasing will never love us back.
I know, it hurts.
I've watched too many girls throw themselves as guys and get their heart broken. I've seen way too many girls post things on their Snapchat or Instagram stories, in the hopes that a "special someone" will notice.
However, trust me when I say that if they aren't making an effort, then you shouldn't either. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but it's true. If a guy is not actively setting aside time for you and making an effort to work you into his life, somehow, then it's probably just not meant to be.
Also, trust me when I say that if he's not setting aside time for you, it's going to hurt him a hell of a lot worse than it'll hurt you when he sees that you've moved on and are thriving. A lot of guys, and girls for that matter, just enjoy the chase, but become uninterested as soon as they have you. As messed up as it is, you have to recognize these situations for what they are and take away a learning experience from it.
We encounter these things in life, no matter what. The best thing that we can do is turn it into something that'll ultimately make you stronger.
Along with this, comes self-worth. As soon as you know your worth, you won't allow yourself to chase the person who doesn't give you the time of day. I think we need to recognize this in other people as well. I know that I've watched some of my closest girlfriends chase after guys who constantly treat them like dirt, and I just tell them that they deserve better. But, everyone deserves better than that. What I should do, and will do in the future, is constantly remind my friends of how awesome they are, until they start believing it too.
It's easier said than done, I know. However, knowing your worth will take you further in life than anything else. Knowing all you are capable of means the world in today's society, especially when it comes to relationships. I'm not just talking about romantic relationships either. This goes for friendships as well, as those can be just as hurtful, if not more.
Don't chase until you know that you're chasing after someone who's also chasing you back. It'll save you from a world of heart break and pain, I promise.