It's so easy to feel extremely insecure because of what others think of you. It's something that's embedded in our minds from the time we're in school at a young age. You go to school and care what others think of you and you feel pressure to "be cool" and wear certain clothes, and play certain sports, and do certain things that make others like you because you care so much about what they think.
Some people are lucky and figure it out sooner than others but the biggest thing anyone can learn in life that will help you out is to stop caring what others think. When you stop letting the fear of what others think of you control the things you like, what you wear, what you do, or any other aspect of your day to day life, you're going to be so much freer. When you stop worrying about what people think or say about you, it calms the anxieties in your head about what to do or say or how to act in any situation because you learn to just fully be yourself.
When you stop caring what others think, their moods stop affecting you. You know how sometimes when others are in a bad mood, you let it get to you? They either say something to you that wasn't the nicest, or they say something rude and it's not because of anything you did, but you still take it personally? This is when not caring what others think or say comes in handy. You not only don't care what they say about you or think about you, but you tend to let them affect you altogether. It's very freeing when you can say to yourself, that person is in a bad mood and even though they were rude to me, it's not what I did, so I won't let them affect me. When you can separate those two things - someone's negative attitude towards you and knowing you didn't do anything to deserve it - then you don't have to let it affect you.
By not caring what others think about you, you can fully be yourself. You can completely just be happy because you're happy or be sad because something made you sad. When you don't let the insecurities of others' words or thoughts about who you are affect you or get to you, then you're able to just enjoy what you're doing and not think about anyone else. The best thing in life is being able to live in the moment and not care what anyone thinks - so why ever let anyone have a say?
Just be yourself. Don't let others thoughts or opinions, or moreover, what you think others think or say about you, affect you. It's not worth the stress or anxiety caring about what others think. Just make sure you're being happy and being yourself and I promise you, you'll be okay. Have a little confidence in yourself - you're awesome just the way you are, and no one's opinion should change that. Be Yourself