Cancel Culture Fails to Support Individual Growth | The Odyssey Online
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Cancel Culture Fails To Support Our Growth As Individuals, And It Needs To Stop

I'm getting real sick and tired of punishing people for mistakes they made years and years ago.

Cancel Culture Fails To Support Our Growth As Individuals, And It Needs To Stop

Let's talk about the Liam Neeson scandal from a couple weeks ago. In case you forgot, (because there's a new scandal every ten seconds let's be real) Liam Neeson got in a whole lot of trouble at the beginning of the month. If you don't know this story already or haven't heard the audio clip I highly recommend listening to it here.

Well following this, of course, there was outrage. Some people defended Neeson, and a lot of people criticized him. Apologies were issued and even Neeson's film premiere was canceled. Many are calling Neeson a racist, but I feel like everyone is just jumping on the cancel wagon without really listening to what Neeson said. He says in the interview, "It was horrible, horrible when I think back, that I did that. And I've never admitted that." Does that sound like something someone who hates black people would say? Cause to me it sounds like Neeson is opening up about something he is ashamed of and using it as a lesson to say, this is what you don't do.

This isn't the first case of cancel culture blowing something from a person's past way out of proportion. The Oscars are having their first year without a host since 1989, because of Kevin Hart's tweets from 2010! That's nine years ago. Excuse me but nine years ago I was still in junior high. I've changed more in the last three years, let alone nine. So why are we ready to burn people at the stake for mistakes they made so long ago when they are obviously not the same person anymore?

People change and grow, and so does society. We make mistakes, and some things used to be more acceptable than they are now. I'm not saying that if you were born in 1960 and grew up when racism was socially acceptable that you can still be racist. But if you used to be racist, or sexist, or homophobic, and you've grown and changed and are no longer that way, why should we punish you? We want people to grow past these things, don't we? So why are we punishing them for it? Let the past stay the past, we should be pushing for a better future.

So seriously, take a hint from "Frozen" and let it go. Focus on helping people grow by educating them, not tearing down those who have already grown. And stop cancel culture!

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