The average Christian will be accused of being many things in their lifetime -- being judgemental, intolerant, hateful, misogynistic, crazy -- just to name a few. But one of the most common accusations that we face is that of hypocrisy, especially when it comes to our knowledge and following of the Bible.
“Cherry-picking” the Bible is a phrase that is often used and has become a popular counter argument to any person expressing faith based beliefs. While it is understandable that any person who holds stronger to some convictions of their beliefs more than others is probably a shady character there is one major problem with this phrase:
There is virtually no other choice but to cherry-pick the Bible because literally everyone in the history of ever has “cherry-picked” literally everything at some point (I say things twice for emphasis. Emphasis.)
Let’s look at the definition. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary it is to “selectively choose (the most beneficial items) from what is available.”
The fact of the matter is that in nearly every situation we are tempted to do what is most convenient and most beneficial for us.
A child “cherry-picks” which of their parents values to internalize and which of their rules to follow (and to follow all rules at all times is usually to the benefit of not being punished). A student cherry-picks which assignments to complete and what days to attend class. An employer cherry-picks who will be promoted, demoted, fired, etc.
It is is in our nature to choose what is most pleasing to us. That being said, what is convenient for us is not always what is right. Sometimes we cheat on tests, sometimes we lie about where we were when we didn’t make curfew, and sometimes we steal from the magazine section of Walmart because there are no cameras there and we really want that pull out poster of Nick Jonas.
The point is, we all give into the idea at some point or another because none of us are infallible. That being said, there is no person in existence who is virtuous enough or perfect enough to follow every single commandment given by the Bible at all times.
To be clear, I’m not talking about the radical Christian pro-lifer who believes that abortion is murder but bombing the clinic and killing the staff and patrons is OK. I’m talking about the Christian who is accused of hypocrisy simply because they have stumbled on their path to righteousness.
Mistakes happen. That doesn’t make them a “cherry-picker” or a hypocritical Christian so much as it makes them human. No, it doesn’t undermine their faith but even further proves its purpose and reason.
So it’s high time to find a new insult, because this one is null and void.