If you've ever been to a sporting event in your life, collegiate level or professional, you've more than likely encountered one of these 10 types of people. It's really not that hard to pick them out of crowd, they're usually the ones trying to draw attention to themselves. No matter where or how you, unfortunately, found yourself seated next to them at your game of choice you're already well aware of just how annoying they can be. So, on behalf of everyone else in attendance at the next UNC basketball or Carolina Panthers football game here are some guidelines to follow to ensure every fan has the opportunity to experience the game and fully enjoy it.
1. Take a step back with the pregame buddy
Tailgating and pregaming are staples of most sporting events, but sometimes people take it a wee bit too far. No one wants to be the one sitting next to Drunk Dave who smells like Miller Lite and can't seem to keep his limbs in the same place for very long. Have your fun, but remember you could be hindering someone else's enjoyment of the game.
2. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, please do us all a favor and don’t talk
"So he threw a home run to the basket and scored an extra point?"
Please don't be that person. Yes, I am well aware that everyone in attendance at a sporting event isn't a) that familiar with the sport and b) doesn't have the rule book for every sport memorized but there are some key things you should know before you go to a game. At least know the basics behind the sport, i.e. home run is for baseball and extra point is football. I mean I'm all for getting to know sports and asking questions but don't be the guy that says we need to "rally" when we are up by five in the bottom of the seventh. That's not how that works.
3. This is a sporting event, not the dance hall
I don't know what gets into people at sporting events but sometimes they get a little....too happy, if you know what I mean. Don't be the guy that's had a few too many that decides to make the row into his own personal dance floor. The enthusiasm is much appreciated, but the fans around you would like to focus on the game not you trying to "floss". Also, no one wants your sweaty body flailing about when they're trying to watch the game. If you're gonna dance, do it in the confinement of the area in front of your seat and that area only, please.
4. It’s the first inning....the game is NOT over
Negative Nancy I'm gonna need you to calm down, we are only down by a run and it's the bottom of the first inning. The game is far from over. I don't know about you, but I can't stand sitting next to someone who throughout the entire games keeps saying "oh we're gonna loose" or "this game's over". Stop being dramatic and watch the game. Sports are dynamic and there can easily be a momentum shift at any time, so don't count a team out before the game has even really gotten underway.
5. I’m trying to watch a game, not your back every five seconds
I will say it once now and I will say it again later if anyone needs clarification; if you are on the first row don't be the jerk to have a sign or a fat head. I came to watch a game not the back of some poster, be considerate of those around you. Also, don't be the person getting up every five seconds to go to the bathroom or get food. If I miss the game winning three because you couldn't hold your bladder for 30 more seconds I'm going to be livid. That's all I've got to say about that.
6. Please keep your food in the bag or in your mouth, not on me
My mom didn't raise me in a barn, and I'm pretty sure yours didn't either. Keep your food in your mouth or in the bucket it came in. I get it, exciting plays happen but I don't need a lap full of popcorn and soda to enjoy the moment. Also, I know it's hard and even I've been guilty of this one every now and again, but watch where you're spitting your sunflower seed shells.
7. Hey sailor Sal/Sally there are kids around
Ok, I get it. Some people's vocabulary just seems to be a little more colorful than others, but sporting events are not the time or place for that. First off, no one deserves to be cussed at by someone they don't know. Second off, read rule eight, because it seems fitting here as well. Third, contrary to popular belief, sports fans are not just limited to 45 year old men with dad bods and an overgrown beard. Kids watch sports too, and I'm sure their parents would greatly appreciate you not teaching their children any four letter words while they're trying to watch their favorite team play.
8. They’re human...calm it with the criticism
Don’t be like the man who thought yelling out that he could hit a 70 mile per hour change up in middle school, no one likes that guy. Also, just because they’re athletes doesn’t mean they have super human abilities. They make mistakes, they mess up just like we do. Yes, that expands from mistakes such as tripping people to missing a 25-yard-game-winning field goal.
9. Don’t be the bandwagoner, it’s not becoming
We see these fans all the time. They're the ones that get hyped up when a team starts doing well or as some of the league's best players on the team. Not only are they probably some of the most annoying fans, they are typically also the ones that know the least about the team. If you're gonna support a team get to know them, otherwise you're just going to sound idiotic when you're talking to the fan next to you.
10. If I wanted opinions, I'd turn on ESPN, I don't need them from you
Look, I'm all for everyone having a right to speak their opinions, but c'mon people. When I'm at a sporting event I couldn't care any less about the drama that's going down with LeBron's next deal or how next year's recruiting class compares to this one. Save the analytics for SportsCenter and ESPN please.
It's plain and simple really, enjoy the game and don't be a jerk. Have all the fun you want, but know that if your fun is becoming a nuisance to someone around you then you have to chill. I'm tired of sitting around inconsiderate fans who think they're above respect and superior to the athletes they're there to watch. If you aren't on the field keep your critiques to yourself and let everyone experience, and enjoy, the game. It's really not all that hard.
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