It has become a social phenomenon for young people to label anything that is enjoyed by a large group of people, especially young girls, as "basic." I first started hearing this term a few years ago early on in my high school career. At first I thought it was another funny slang term that would die out shortly after it became well known. If a girl walked by in an overly large T-shirt and athletic shorts, then she's just basic. If someone enjoys Starbucks coffee, then they just want to be basic like everyone else. The word slipped off the tongue without a second thought.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with deeming everything enjoyable as basic, right? It's taken me years and a complete change of perspective, but I have a huge problem with the term "basic" now. It's no longer just a descriptive term. It is an insult. It has turned these items that a large portion of the young population in to something to be ashamed of. I believe that it brings an incredible amount of negativity to the choices that teenagers make that should be bringing them happiness.
When we take an in-depth look at what we have labeled as basic because they are popular it makes sense why so many people enjoy them. Of course, most teenage girls want to wear Ugg boots because they are extremely comfortable and warm in the winter. Just because it's super common to see someone wearing them doesn't take away any of their great attributes. Most people don't buy drinks from Starbuck just because they saw another girl they know carrying a Starbucks cup down the street. It is much too expensive for that. People drink these drinks because they taste good and they enjoy how the drinks make them feel.
Using the term "basic" to describe activities and clothing that are mainstream is just another example of the epidemic of labeling and judging in our society. In my opinion, there is absolutely no need for this type of critical word. There are enough pressures that young people have to go through today without us adding this unnecessary label to the things that they truly enjoy. It might seem inconsequential to most people. They might say that it's just a silly word that teenagers use these days. But I truly think there is a problem with this word and its abundant use. If we can't all just accept the simple choices that each other makes such as the shoes we wear and the drinks we buy how can we ever hope for tolerance to become the norm? The end of "basic shaming" will be the beginning of an era where teens can feel more comfortable expressing themselves.