At least once a month maybe even once a week my best friend will receive a text saying, "I'm going to reinvent myself". That term I use very loosely. I am constantly looking for a fresh start and a new beginning. I believe everyone can always benefit from a fresh start. We are gifted one every time we wake up in the morning. For me, every time I say I need a fresh start it just means I need to take a step back and look at life a little differently. It doesn't automatically mean that I am going to just change my life around but is going to give me the momentum to figure out what needs to get done.
Not only with life but with most things I do I always end up starting over when I mess up. Any mistake I make when it comes to playing a song on the violin to following a recipe. I take a deep breathe and start from the beginning. You catch certain things that you didn't before when you go back to the beginning. Having a fresh start gives the same feeling as a New Year's resolution. Everyone has the confidence in themselves to complete a new task and better themselves but what people don't realize is that you can decide to start over or make a change at any point if the year, day, or even hour.
No one likes to hold onto the past and at any moment you can decide to drop it. People tend to forget that they have full control over their lives. Quit the job that you hate and find a new one. Feel like your friends aren't benefitting you then you have the opportunity to drop them. You are in control of your own happiness. If you don't like something then you have the power to change it. The only thing that is stopping you is your self. You are your own best friend and worst enemy.
When we're hungry we eat, if we're tired we sleep, so this same type of life survival should pertain to humans happiness. What if people treated happiness as a need instead of a want. Maybe people would start following their dreams instead of their follower count on Twitter. We let other peoples thoughts dictate our lives. Stop counting the number of followers you want and focus less on racking up likes on a picture and focus more on your dreams.
Take a fresh start. Drop everything that isn't beneficial to your life and start over. Take a step back and decide what in your life is making you happy and what isn't. Declutter your life, your month or your day. Make happiness your main priority. I know it's easier said than done but isn't that most things in life?