Planned Parenthood is facing defunding, but is that really a bad thing? Rather than allowing abortions, why are we not providing better education, supplying contraceptives and giving more support in the sense of child care and encouragement? Why are we giving people an "out" that is so drastic rather than giving others an "in?" Abortion should ONLY be used in terms of medical reasons or sexual assault. If the baby will not make it to term, or the mother won't, I feel it is perfectly acceptable to abort. If you are a woman who has suffered sexual assault, if you choose to, you should be able to abort your baby. But, in a more human way of not punishing an innocent for someone else's crimes, PLEASE consider adoption. In terms of adoption, why don't you put a baby up for adoption rather than aborting it? SO many wonderful couples can not have children and this is their only option.
Let's take a look at a few things....
Fetal development: According to Baby Center, a website that tracks the development of babies, a baby's heart begins to beat at week 5. 5 weeks. A heartbeat. Is it not true that anything with a heart beat is ALIVE? During week 6, the brain begins to develop and at week 8, the lungs develop. At 11 weeks, the baby is almost fully formed. At week 13 (the end of the first trimester), the baby has fingerprints. At week 19, the baby's senses develop. They can hear you. By week 22, they look like a miniature new born.
So you want to tell me it is okay to kill something with a heartbeat, a brain and lungs, that has a form of identification (fingerprints) and that can hear you? If I am not wrong, you can abort a baby up to 21 weeks, but it depends on state statutes (which can allow abortion for later than 21 weeks).
Lets talk about some of the ways they abort unborn babies...
They break them limb from limb and pull them out. Then use chemicals to burn and flush them out. If you chose to abort your newly born baby, they cut their spinal cord and leave them in a room to die. If that's not flat out murder, then what is? And did you know that if you kill a woman who is pregnant, and the baby dies, you are charged with feticide. So aborting a baby is okay, but if you kill a baby you go to jail? It is the same effing thing (excuse my language).
So here is a solution, STOP abortions, and better educate young girls. There are teenage girls getting pregnant. Why don't we teach them a little more seriously about what pregnancy means? Why don't we provide easier access to contraceptives? I am by no means promoting teenage sex, but instead of leaving them in the dark about sex, how about when they go to the nurse's office, we give them a talk and discourage sex but also provide condoms? We don't have to condone it, but we can help protect them. They're going to do it anyway. If a young girl or woman gets pregnant, how about we help them figure out how to care for the child if they choose to keep it? The least we can do is offer finance classes, job programs, baby supplies and support. Where will this money come from, you ask? From the abortions it won't be used on. Use that money to do actual good.
It's rumored Jane Roe, the woman from the Roe v. Wade case, actually came to regret her abortion. Go figure! That baby could have been put up for adoption. Why don't we fix the system and make adoptions easier? Why kill a clearly living baby when we can better educate and support young girls? Seriously?