As I grew up, my mom worked with special needs adults. She loved every second of her job. I used to interact with the adults she worked with as well. Yeah, I probably looked at them a little differently — I was young and was still learning about the world. But as I grew up, I was surrounded by individuals who had a different genetic makeup than me. I was surrounded by people who are not given a fair chance because they are different. I was surrounded by individuals whose disposition is used as a joke or an insult towards another person.
The "R-word." I hate that word. Hate is a strong word, and I absolutely hate everything about that word. While some argue it means "slow," others use the word as an insult. The "R-word" is used in an inappropriate and offensive manner. Stop using that word. Stop calling people the "R-word," stop using it as an adjective. Please, for your sake, pick up a dictionary. Pick up a thesaurus. Go back to elementary school to learn some basic adjectives and synonyms. Use something other than the "R-word" as a description.
I am known to shut down the use of that word whenever I hear it. I have no problem politely asking someone not to use that word in their everyday language. That word is offensive, and I take full offense. Call me sensitive, that's fine, but at least I am a decent person.
I have first-hand experience with the individuals who were either born with or acquired a disability. I know these people are intelligent, kind, respectful, and worthy. These individuals work to live normal lives, just like any other person. They have feelings, they have hopes, they have dreams. The "R-word" has a negative connotation which does not, by any means, describe the individuals you have sorely spoken of. I have first-hand experience with how heartbroken these individuals feel when they are disregarded. All they want to do is be treated with the respect and dignity of any other person. How awful of you to punish a person for being a person. Shame on you.
Stop using the "R-word" as a description for something you did or something someone else did. I must also mention other circumstances that are inappropriate as well. Stop using "autistic" as a negative term. Stop using "depressed" as a description for a bad mood. Stop using "OCD" as a way to say you're organized or hyper-focused. Stop using another person's disposition as an adjective. Be sensitive to others' differences, do not use their difference against them or as an excuse to call another person.
We are, in fact, more alike than different. Everyone should treat each other with respect, no matter the differences.