Ever come across a stock photo for something and wonder just what was going through the HELL was going through the model's head? I mean, I'm sure that they're not opposed to the small sum of cash that they usually get for posing like a mindless fool, but if the people in these stock photos were able to convey their twisted, demented thoughts, I'm certain we'd be in for a story. Here are a few examples:
"Me? Wear a condom? Surely you jest."
"Hey doc? Remember those warts you were telling me about?"
"Nobody can know my real gender. Not even me."
"That...wasn't a fart."
*stares thoughtfully* "Somewhere, in this great big world of ours, Nicolas Cage is eating a human being."
"It's not wrong for me to hide that I didn't wash my hands after that poop, right?"
"I was supposed to be the one sleeping with the boss for a promotion, me dammit!"
"Maybe you don't go swimming in other fishbowls next time, huh Giggles?"
"You wouldn't BELIEVE what we do on Wednesdays."
"Uh uh. No way. That little shit is NOT my son."
"Heck yes, the government finally approves of our homosexual interactions."
"One of us will become a B-list actor."