I need to write today in order to release emotions: confusion, anger, and sadness for so many. I need to write to put my thoughts out there and hopefully reach someone who needs it. Like many others, I’m scared. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I know that there is something seriously wrong with the position we are in as a nation. So I write. And I reflect, and I articulate my thoughts to those around me. Though it feels like a massive defeat for so many, especially every non-white, non-straight, non-male citizen, and though we are taking an enormous step backwards as a country, I truly believe that this is an opportunity for all of us to come together.
Some of the greatest minds have emerged from the most trying times. I believe wholeheartedly that there is so much talent and passion among us, maybe people just needed something to stand up against. I can never forget the way I felt when I woke up to our new reality as a nation on November 9th. I’ll never forget the sadness and shame. But I am also changed in another way. I feel motivated to get involved and be part of something bigger than myself. I feel empowered to use every outlet I can to contribute to the good in the world, rather than accepting the hatred we are faced with.
There is no shame in being sad and stressed and overwhelmed for awhile. This is not an easy truth to grasp. We’ve elected someone who has devalued the lives of millions without even a trace of remorse. A scenario that seemed so far-off and impossible has manifested, and it’s truly horrific. But once that stage of the grieving process is over, we need to take action. We still have power as individuals, and we are stronger together. Now more than ever we need to really focus on understanding the world around us and leaving any apathy behind. We need to say what we think while we are still able to. We need to appreciate the rights we have right now in this momentbecause they might not be ours forever. There are already protests happening and groups organizing in hopes of coming up with a solution. You don’t need to stay stagnant in this, your voice matters. This is a chance to determine what kind of world you envision and to connect with others that have the same ideals.
As for me, I’m going to continue to find solutions for myself. Expression eases the pain, it reaches other people who need support, and it brings some unity to a world that seems entirely chaotic. Though you may be tempted, don’t give up hope. Not only does a defeatist attitude solve nothing, you could be the voice that reaches the right person at the right time.