A Trio Of Young Stars Have Lead The Sixers Out Of The Dark Days | The Odyssey Online
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A Trio Of Young Stars Have Lead The Sixers Out Of The Dark Days

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A Trio Of Young Stars Have Lead The Sixers Out Of The Dark Days

It's April 11th and the 82nd games of the NBA regular season are in full swing which can only mean one thing; The Sixers' season is about to come to an end.

Except something is different this year. The team that has spent the last five seasons languishing in the waste basket of the east has ascended to the third overall seed, riding a 14 game winning streak.

The team is lead by a trio of young stars being guided by a carefully selected group of savvy veterans who have combined to create a special team. They seem to play together, and for one another, both traits that all the greatest teams have had.

A great team is nothing without a leader however, and the sixers have one of the best at the helm of their young core. Brett Brown has been nothing short of spectacular in his tenure with the team. During the losing years, the team played with pride and grit.

These same features are a staple of the current roster and will likely be an X-factor in the post season.

The trio of young stars that have been at the forefront of the teams' resurgence have been Ben Simmons, Joel Embiid, and Dario Saric. These three have become a legitimate "Big Three," A staple of any contending team.

Ben Simmons entered the season full of question marks after missing his entire first season due to injury. With a broken jumper, and no concrete position, Simmons proceeded to lay down one of the greatest rookie seasons in recent memory and figures to be a problem in the association for a very long time.

Dario "The Homie" Saric is the least known, but one of the most important members of the sixers' core. He's the consistent glue that has held the team together through cold shooting, injuries, growing pains. It's safe to say that the Sixers' are not where they are today without his contributions.

Finally, Joel "The Process" Embiid; the embodiment of the process. Embiid has proven himself to be a generational talent and the perfect star for the city of the Philadelphia. He's brash, fearless, and a dominant force on the court.

These three budding stars and their cast of key role players have the Sixers' primed for a deep playoff run this year and for many more to come.

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