It's been a while since things have been over with my ex, but sometimes when things ended questionable or even extremely well, it can leave your mind wondering to certain situations that could have been. Or even make you miss them 10x more when you often think about it too much. Heck, maybe it ended so bad and you are constantly wondered what possibly could have gone wrong.
This poem was sent to me and it really helped me to understand my situation a lot more, so I wanted to share it with you guys so you could maybe find some sort of peace if your situation is like mine.
"It's okay to miss to miss someone that left you
It's okay to miss someone that hurt you
It's okay to miss someone that let you down
It's okay to miss someone that's no longer around
It's okay to miss someone that never deserved you
Its okay to miss someone
Because at one point, they were there for you.
They were a big part of your life. They were exactly what you needed.
They did something that changed you.
They made you happy for however long - you can't always just leave that behind.
It might've ended bad, but it started off good:
It's okay to miss people you feel like you shouldn't miss.
Just don't let it consume you."
For me, no matter how many times my friends have probably phrased this same thing to me, there is something about seeing it in words that makes it so much more impactful for me. It is everything that I am feeling, that I usually feel embarrassed for still feeling, summarized into a small poem. The best part about it is that it says that the way that I am feeling is okay. But at some point, I need to realize that I can't let the "what ifs" control my life. I need to accept what happened and move on and just do what I must do for myself.
I suggest to you guys to try and find poem, excerpts, or quotes that explain ways that you have been feeling that you can't seem to find the words for. Sometimes other people's words are exactly what we need to see to find closure for life's biggest problems. Whenever you are feeling some type of way, just know that you are not the only one who feels that way. Someone has already been through and back, if they can do it, then so can you!