Anyone who asks will hear me say that this election has been nothing but a hot mess. Sure, there's mud slinging as there is with all elections, but the kind of dirt the two main candidates keep throwing at each other is a special kind of terrible. I've seen memes saying that Trump and Clinton are like two divorced parents and all we want to do is live with Grandpa Bernie. The problem is, I didn't totally agree with Sanders' positions on a lot of things either so I can't write him in. So looking at what's left, here's why I can't decide who I'm going to vote for.
1. Clinton may rock a pant suit, but she's a security risk.
While I'm well aware of it, I'm not going to talk about Benghazi. For me, using a private email server for government business and letting top secret information about how long it takes for the U.S. to launch nuclear missiles slip on national television really shakes my trust in her being able to handle the secrecy that goes along with being President.
It doesn't matter if this is only happening because she isn't considering her words or actions: Once the information is leaked, it's out there. In the case of the emails that have been talked about since she started her campaign, it is so easy for someone with the know-how to hack an email account. Mine was hacked by someone in South Korea who was posing as Blizzard! My point is, if you can't consider the weight of the top secret information you know and keep it secret when it's required of you, you shouldn't be in a position where you are handling that information in the first place.
2. As a feminist/humanist, I can't in my right mind vote for Trump.
I'm not the best feminist in the world, but surely I'm not the only one who thinks Trump's flaming misogyny will set women's rights back. While we're at it, let's not just worry about women's rights, but human rights in general. He is the poster child for privilege and it's obvious that he is not going to use it to better society as a whole. He has never had to live with the struggles that the average American has to face nor does he seem to care.
Build walls? Bomb everyone? Inappropriately grab women? Ladies and gentlemen of the United States, I apologize if this offends you, but when did things like where you stand on abortion become more important than basic human decency? It also goes with out saying that his temper has a hair trigger should not be trusted with nukes anymore than someone who can't keep a secret.
3. Media is so biased for the two main parties, it's difficult to figure out what the other candidates stand for.
I almost never see people talk about the other candidates in the running. Those of you who haven't had the time to look it up probably aren't aware that Gary Johnson is running Libertarian and Jill Stein is running for the Green Party. The only thing I've heard in the mainstream news is that Mr. Johnson doesn't know, well, a lot of things, including the location of Aleppo, which has been central in the Syrian crisis since 2012. I haven't even heard about Jill Stein, and this isn't the first time she's run for president. The media blackouts don't create equal opportunities for candidates who may very well be better qualified than what we've seen so far, but I, like most Americans, am not comfortable with voting for someone I don't know anything about.
4. I'm a moderate and believe that we need a candidate who can help close the bipartisan gap.
I truly believe that our government has become so polarized that it is approaching the point where it is no longer effective. Does anyone else remember when the government all but shut down in 2013 because Congress couldn't come to a compromise on the national budget due to our ever increasing national debt? They knew there was a serious problem in 2011 and couldn't come up with a proposal until the situation was critical. If they can't decide on something that important, imagine all the squabbling that would happen after this election. Each party is going to block the other until we get some fresh faces, not just in Congress but on all levels of American politics.
I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert. I'm not even going to tell you how to vote. All I am is an American who is trying to make the best decision she can.