One thing they always tell you about moving away for college is homesickness. Moving away from everything you’re comfortable with and use to, isn’t exactly easy. Being away from home is different for everyone. Some people adapt really easily and don’t have that hard of time with being on their own. For me, it was a little rough. I was happy at school, and loved it, but I missed my life at home a lot more often than I thought I would. I would call my whole family every day and every once in a while cry a little from missing home. No matter how much I liked school I felt like something was always missing.
My Mom has turned into my best friend these last few years and I am so thankful for our relationship. She is always there to nag me when I need it, push me when I can’t move, and pick me up when I fall. She listens to everything I have to say and never questions my feelings, my dreams, or decisions. My Mother is my person. Leaving her and my family was incredibly hard. There were several nights when I just wish I could have a hug or a random movie night with her but I couldn’t for the obvious reason to being away. So, I had to convert so something else, a phone call.
I call my Mom every single day, sometimes more than once. I will tell her about gossip I heard about people she has no idea who I am talking about. She will listen to me complain about how tired I am, or hungry, or all the stuff I need to cram in before midnight. I will call her, just to feel at ease again. To feel at home. There is sometimes nothing more comforting than hearing my Mom’s voice on the other line. Sometimes, it feels like the closest thing to home I have. Granted, the phone calls aren’t always sweet. Every once in a while she will tell me some advice I don’t want to hear or brag about the nice home cooked meal they had for dinner while I ate Easy Mac for the third night in a row. Regardless of what the phone call is about, I am grateful each time. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many people I miss back at home. I miss my Dad, my sister, best friends, boyfriend, and of course my dogs every day too and every time I get the chance to talk to them, it comforts me more than they ever know. But I have no clue how good I would be at this “college” thing if it weren’t for my rock star of a mother.
I am not nearly as homesick as I was first semester. I still have days that suck, days that I feel sad and sick of it all but for the most part, I am content with where I am and where I feel I am supposed to be. Regardless of how I feel now, I still call my mom every day and I don’t plan on stopping. Phone calls might start to get shorter someday, they might not be as often, and it might be more small talk than anything who knows. No matter what though, the phone calls, random texts, and silly snapchats will always make me feel at ease. To all my people in college, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone every once in a while. Also, to my mom, thank you. Thank you for always picking up.