It’s 2017! Some of us may have been dreading the welcoming of the New Year and some of us may have been highly anticipating its arrival. Either way, it’s finally here! With the New Year comes a variety of ‘New Year’ resolutions. Basically meaning ways we try to commit to improving ourselves in some sort of fashion.
For example: eating healthier, exercising, saving money, learning a new skill, quitting a bad habit, are a few common examples.
The biggest issue that comes with New Year resolutions is the commitment. We often find ourselves in the beginning of the New Year sticking with our resolutions but as time moves on and we become busy and often disregard the goals we have set for ourselves. You may be thinking, so how does one commit? There are plenty of tips and tricks but here are some of my personal favorites:
Plan it out
Creating a plan is one of the easiest ways to stick something out. If you plan on eating healthier, make a meal plan and prep your meals. If you plan on easing into an exercising routine, create a schedule and find workout calendars online. Making a plan is one of the best ways to ensure you will find time to complete a task.
Reward Yourself
Give yourself a goal, two weeks, three weeks, a month, etc. Whether it’s cutting out sugar from your diet or quitting a bad habit, reward yourself after a short time period. Reward yourself with a shopping trip, mani/pedi, a meal at your favorite restaurant, etc. Making a goal with an end reward is only more motivating and will keep you on track. As time moves on, continue to reward yourself in small amounts.
Find a Friend
Obviously, you have friends but find a friend to complete the challenge with you. Having someone by your side for the journey makes you more likely to stick it out. It’s an easy way to keep track on each other.
Keep a Journal
Writing in a journal helps you keep track of progress. Write an entry every night before bed on your feelings, thoughts, or how your day went. Keeping track in a journal will only help keep the progress flowing.
Keep a Positive Mindset
This is honestly one of the most important tips I find helpful. Remember, change is a process it doesn’t happen overnight. Sticking to a resolution WILL be a tough task but as long as you stay positive it’ll eventually become easier. Surround yourself with a healthy support system and eventually you will mindlessly stick to your resolutions.
Once you get in the habit it only makes it easier to stick out your resolutions. It takes approximately 21 days to make or break a habit so once you get started the easier it’ll be to stick to it. Good luck and Happy New Year!