Another new year means that we are once again faced with proclaiming our New Year’s resolutions. There’s always the resolutions that are to be expected: working out more, eating better and saving more money. However – resolutions like this are extremely difficult to keep if there is not an actual personal desire and drive to achieve and stick to them.
The most important tip to keep in mind when setting and sticking to resolutions is making sure they are something that is truly important to you. Do you honestly care about eating healthier, or is it just something that you want to do because you think it would be a good idea? Unless you are dedicating to yourself to something that truly resonates with you, the resolution will not last long term. The ideal goal with a New Year’s resolution is that it becomes a part of your lifestyle. If you are not passionate about what you are trying to improve, the high of the resolution will fade rather quickly.
Another important tip that can help you stick to your resolutions is not letting a small rough patch set you back. If you make a resolution to work out more and then have a busy week where you can’t make it to the gym, that marks a stopping point for many people. Having a quitting attitude or a "try again later" outlook is not helpful in sticking to your resolutions. A rough day/week/month doesn’t mean a rough year. Keep working to find patterns and schedules that best fit you and allow yourself room for slip-ups. No one is going to stick to their resolutions 100% of the time, but the idea of setting a resolution is focused on improvement so that is what truly matters. It’s even more helpful to set smaller goals that lead into big goals. Focus on working out every day for the first two weeks of January, and then allow a small reward for yourself. Building up on resolutions makes it much easier to reach a larger, long-term goal.
A final tip for sticking to your resolutions is making your resolution apparent in every aspect of your life. If you have a resolution to eat healthier, it isn’t helpful if you only change up the food in your home. Make sure you are surrounded by healthy alternatives: your gym bag, your desk at work, even your car. Constantly reminding yourself of what you are hoping to achieve is wonderful motivation to keep going. It also cements the importance of your resolution in every moment of your life, which will help you keep your mind on the track of improvement.
With these tips in mind, I wish everyone a Happy 2017 and best of luck with conquering whatever new challenges and resolutions that the upcoming year brings!