Let's face it, stickers have plagued college campuses. Stickers are sort of a new way of communicating to the world your interests without having to deal with people asking you things like what's your favorite show, book, movie, and so on. It's a form of expression that goes further than your dress appearance.
What better way to show the world who you are than having a sticker that screams your college major? Below you will find a list of college majors and the perfect sticker to go with each. Enjoy!
1. Psychology
Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation!
2. Criminal Justice
It really is. Who doesn't love statistics and theories?
3. Philosophy
You guys spend way too much time thinking about thinking. Take a load off with some mindless puns.
4. Youth Ministry
Got to be able to relate to those youths.
5. Communications
AP style is the best style.
6. Worship Arts
Doesn't get more direct than that.
7. Sociology
Let's face it, you're already judging this article as you read it.
8. Pre-Med
We all know you're the one in the library at three in the morning memorizing things so you can fix everyone else later.
10. Business
We all know what you want to be when you grow up.
11. Astronomy
Spins us right round.
12. Accounting
And then follow up with "no I will not do your taxes".
13. Athletic Training
And everything nice.
14. Engineering
Nor did we even want to understand or know. But we love you guys anyways.
15. Environmental Sciences
The only her we should be caring about.
16. Education
We all salute you for not all of us have the hear nor immune system as strong as yours.
17. Computer Science
Only you guys will get this.
18. Political Science
And trust me, it's a science.
19. Film
So many movie ideas, so little time, budget, and people.