Many make the New Years Resolution that they want to get healthier. However, by this point in the year, many have given up. . I used to be the same way, until I started implementing these things into my routine.
1. Give it a Month
For the first month or two, going to the gym and eating healthier will feel like a chore. However,If you keep up with it, you will soon realize that it has just become a daily routine. It will start to feel weird not going to the gym after class every day, or not meal prepping Sunday night. When you get to the point where these "chores" become part of your daily life, you are on your way to creating an all around healthier lifestyle for yourself
2. Set Goals
It is enough to set goals, but you should be actively tracking and attempting to achieve your goals. My favorite method is simply creating a note in my food with three goals I would like to achieve, like "squat 120lbs". Then every week, I attempt to get closer and closer to that goal – I add weight to my squats and challenge myself with every workout. If your goal is to lose weight, try to track small changes you make every week to achieve that, like taking the stairs, walking to class, drinking more water, or adding an extra day of working out to your routine!
3. Bring Some Friends
Going to the gym alone can be very scary, especially if you have no idea what you are doing. A great way to overcome this fear is to bring a friend a long! You guys can work together, challenge each other, and keep each other updated on your goals. A lot of the time it is easier to stay more disciplined if you have someone depending on you, like your roommate waiting for you guys to go grocery shopping so you guys can meal prep together, is all you need to keep you on track with your goals