Fitness And Lifestyle Spotlight: Steve Weatherford | The Odyssey Online
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Fitness And Lifestyle Spotlight: Steve Weatherford

This former NFL punter has embraced life after ball and has begun to build a fitness empire, all while balancing family demands.

Fitness And Lifestyle Spotlight: Steve Weatherford

Recently I have been spending a lot of my time and effort on fitness, nutrition and overall wellbeing. With that being said I use a lot of my time ingesting information from a variety of sources. The more information I can soak up I figure the better off i'll be in my own journey, whatever that may be. When it comes to fitness and lifestyle there have been a few people in particular that I follow on a daily basis through various social media platforms. Today I want to talk about Steve Weatherford. This article is going to be part one in a multi part series, the fitness and lifestyle spotlight.

Steve Weatherford is a former NFL punter who spent 10 years in the pros, Weatherford played for several organizations but most notably with the New York Giants (2011-2014) where he won a Super Bowl in 2012. Weatherford was a multi-sport athlete in high school and eventually went on to play football at the University of Illinois. While Steve is most recognized as a Super Bowl Champion and NFL veteran he has since begun the next leg of his journey as a philanthropist, entrepreneur, social media whiz, broadcaster and fitness professional.

Once referred to as the “fittest man in the NFL,” Steve has since established himself as a true fitness professional. His writing included guest articles in publications such as USA Today and Men's Health. While he has been putting out a plethora of fitness info and tips over the last few years it was only fairly recent that he established a strong base for his fitness entrepreneur journey. Over the last few months, Weatherford rolled out his first ebook titled “Armageddon,” a vigorous arm program that he designed himself. Steve himself has not yet ventured into his own supplement line, however, he is a spokesperson for True Grit and often references their protein in his videos.

The ten year NFL veteran has also established himself as a dominant force on social media. Weatherford does a nice job of balancing quality content with entertainment. He is an extremely energetic and upbeat person whose energy and passion can be felt through his posts on various platforms. While a decent portion of his social media use is centered around fitness and nutrition he also dedicates a decent amount of time to his everyday life including his children and wife. It becomes very obvious early on that Weatherford is an extremely devoted husband and father.

My original intention for this series was to be strictly fitness, however, I soon realized that most of the fitness professionals that I follow all had something in common. The lifestyle they choose to live outside of their fitness journeys is just as intriguing and important. Weatherford has earned the right to build his empire now, his family is financially secure from his playing days and now he gets to work on his next journey while embracing the opportunity of being a committed father and husband. This to me, is the most admirable aspect of Steve Weatherford's life.

My goal with this series is to shed a little light on fitness professionals who also embrace life to the fullest in the other areas of life such as family. My own personal fitness journey has been sincerely influenced by Steve Weatherford and others. If I can expose these individuals to others who may not have found them yet then I am sure they will benefit them.

While I did include some of Steve’s work throughout the article, below you will find a list of those links and his social media handles.

USA Today:

Mens Health:

Armageddon EBook:

True Grit Supplements:

Social Media:

Instagram: @weatherford5

Snapchat: @weatherford5

Facebook: @Official.Steve.Weatherford

Twitter: @weatherford5

YouTube: Steve Weatherford
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