With the Fourth of July this week, we all know what that means. It's Steve Roger's 98th birthday! Born July 4, 1918, to parents Sarah and Joseph Rogers, Steve Roger would eventually grow up to be Captain America. To celebrate, let's review Steve's dumbest moments. Not all of them, though there certainly have been a lot; but let's stick with the major ones.
(To those who are fans of Marvel Comic Books, I haven't read them, so this is going to be MCU Captain America. With that being said, this is going to include scenes from "Civil War" and if you haven't watched it yet, turn back now.)
11. Every time he uses a hat (and glasses) as a disguise
I mean, honestly Steve, how do you expect to stay undercover?
10. Every time he jumps out of a plane without a parachute
Because why bother having a parachute slow you down when you could just...not?
9. When he pulled a helicopter out of the sky with his bare hands
8. When he went into Nazi territory to rescue Bucky
Can you hear my eyes rolling, because honestly.
7. Going back into Nazi territory after surviving (barely)
And we all know how well that ended up (*Bucky looks into the camera like he's on "The Office").
6. When he let Bucky go back into cryo-freeze
This is so unbelievably stupid that it should be number one, but alas it's not.
5. That time he jumped on a grenade
Pretty self explanatory.
4. When he crashed a plane into the arctic
Yes, I understand that it was just a plot device to put him in the current time so he could join the Avengers, but still.
3. Every. Time. He went after Bucky
Bucky was a brainwashed assassin who could have seriously injured Steve, and yet Steve kept going back and trying to rescue him even though everyone kept telling him it was a terrible idea (and I'll spare you the lecture about his love for Bucky).
2. The entire story arc of "F*ck you government, you can't tell me what to do"
Again, pretty self explanatory. He just makes himself the target of 117 countries and their allies. No big deal.
1. Last but certainly not least, when he willingly let Howard Stark turn him into the super soldier
Howard Stark, a man that Steve watches crash a flying car, injected Steve with a mysterious serum, microwaved him with enough energy to "dim half the lights in Brooklyn," and Steve is like, "I'm 100 percent OK with this." Seriously, how was this a good idea?
Happy Birthday Steve, and try to stay out of trouble long enough to make it to 100 years, OK?