4. The one *VERY* opinionated person who knows more than the professor. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

10 Stereotypical People In Every College Class

We all know *that* person. And they're more common than you'd think.


Colleges vary in location, size, public/private, affiliation, and more. And when picking a college, students are always encouraged to pick the school that is "right for them." Once that decision is made, rising freshman walk into their first days of class with expectations about what college life is going to be: from the "college professors will never allow you to turn in late work" fears given to all by high school teachers across America to "you just have to live with your freshman roommate... you don't actually have to be friends" advice given by older siblings.

And while most people walk into their school thinking they're going to have the *insert your college name here* experience, I have found (from personal experience and talking to friends from other schools) that there is a certain universality to the college classroom experience. From university to university - even major to major within a single school - there seems to be an unspoken role that at least one person in a classroom always fulfills. No matter where you are, or what you're studying, I challenge you to walk into a classroom and not find the person that fits these designations:

1. That person that only signed up because they had to.


This is the person that is either (at worst) only in college because their parents made them and (at best) only in this class because it is their senior year and they haven't done it yet. Either way: he or she does NOT want to be sitting through this lecture for the semester.

2. The person that only shows up when assignments are due.

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If you go to a small school, you might find these people harder to find; but I know we all have that friend or classmate that skips class unless there is homework to be physically turned in or an exam to sit for.

3. The person who is always late to class, but always seems to have had time to stop at Starbucks before being late.


Walk into class 5 minutes late and make a scene: no problem. I've got my grande pumpkin spice so it's all good.

4. The one *VERY* opinionated person who knows more than the professor.

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While this student may be an annoying classmate, it is really a blessing in disguise for everyone else who doesn't want to talk or didn't do the reading. So while you're regretting sitting listening to him or her speak - be thankful that you don't have to.

5. The person who always has to answer the question, but is always wrong.

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This person has to make their two-cents heard in every class, but after he or she speaks the professor usually has to backtrack to make sure the class knows (while saying it circularly so as not to offend the dumb person's feelings) that the fact he or she insisted on sharing was in fact wrong.

6. The person who headphones in and playing the no-WIFI dinosaur game.

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While we are all this person at some point in our academic career, some students have this act down to a daily, during-lecture art form.

7. The person who gets to class extremely early, just so that he or she can get his or her unassigned assigned seat.

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Even though professors often encourage you to mingle, and as high school students we all abhorred seating charts, for some reason when you get into a lecture you have YOUR spot. God forbid anyone sits in it. And every classroom has that one student who, to stave off seat thieves, will arrive 10+ minutes early to sit in the (un)assigned spot.

8. The person you've had so many classes with that you should be best friends and study-buddies, but in reality, you don't know his or her name.

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Even the most social of people have this moment. The situation only gets more awkward when he or she knows your name and starts talking to you, and about all of the classes you've had together, but you STILL can't remember his or her name.

9. The person who only seems to own clothing with the college mascot on it.

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Often an athlete, due to the free clothes they receive. But still, what did you wear BEFORE college? Did you get rid of your entire wardrobe? Do you sleep in college spirit wear too? So many questions, especially when the person is not an athlete and you realized they chose to pay for all of that. And college spirit gear is not cheap.

10. The person who tries to distract the professor from teaching by asking about the professor's kids.

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This person is a gift. Treasure the distraction, and try to send some emails and texts and catch up on homework during the chitchat.

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