For most people, the typical female is supposed to be skinny and pretty.
For men, they are built and tall.
When has that ever been true? Any girl or guy I know has not always dated people like that. We even see celebrities that go for the non-stereotypical person. So why do we have these stereotypes? The answer is media. People never used to care on if someone was good looking or not, if you were supposed to be an ideal weight, or if you were pretty/handsome. It didn’t matter. Now that we have media, things have changed.
We always see magazine covers that downgrade people for being a certain size or looking a certain way. If we don’t see that in a magazine, then we typically see the drop dead gorgeous celebrity that is slim, fit, and well obviously pretty. Also, you notice that in most action movies, you don’t ever really see any overweight people. If they are overweight, then they are considered the “funny” guy or the “joker” in the group. The bottom line is, this shouldn’t matter. People that have amazing talent get shot down because of their looks. They end up getting replaced with a thinner, prettier person who may not even sound as good as them. Also, People are starting to get into relationships and marriages based off of the person’s outside look and not what is on the inside.
This is why divorce rates are still increasing and why most people in today’s society are not happy. If we get rid of the stereotype that all attractive people are supposed to look a certain way, then maybe we would actually be happy. The next time you see a really pretty girl with a not so pretty guy, DO NOT judge them! See how they interact and act around each other. They are probably really happy. I know from experience that I have gotten judged for a guy I dated or liked, but they didn’t see what I saw. They only saw what he looked like on the outside.
So before you judge someone’s love life or even a person, take those things into consideration. We don’t all need to fall into societies role in stereotypes. Be the person who is different and sticks out. Being normal is just boring. If you are going to just follow the crowd, then how will you ever make a difference in this world? We all have to stand our ground at some point in our life. Even if it is just sticking up for someone who is being stereotyped or writing a letter to the casting staff of a movie, your voice matters. We will continue to live in this stereotypical world until someone speaks up about it. We are all loved and are different so why not embrace it? Do what is right and make a difference to end stereotypes. No matter what size, shape, or color we are, it doesn’t matter because we are all beautiful.