If there is anything I have noticed about my generation, it's that we focus so much on negativity.
We always want more. We always look at the things we don't have. Nothing is ever enough. And honestly, living life with this type of mindset is not healthy. Not healthy for our personal selves, and definitely not healthy for society as a whole.
"Your 20's are the best years of your life," my mother always reminds me. And she's completely right. It is the time to be selfish, free, careless yet smart, and most importantly, happy.
I have made it a personal goal for myself this year to be more positive. If I'm being honest, it's definitely not easy sometimes. I understand that some days it's just hard. But I have come up with six simple steps to be happier.
1. Less social media.
I had to put this one first. Social media has done so much good for society as far as technology advancement. However, it has done so much worse for the mental health of civilians. Social media is definitely one of the biggest distractions in my life. It has become a forum for people to post their successes, but also creates situations for people to feel their lives aren't good enough. Limit the time to even have those thoughts. Put the phone down.
2. Remove toxic relationships.
So simple yet so true. The poeple you surround yourself with are who you become. If you are surrounded by people who are constantly complaining and bringing you down, remove them. Find people who inspire you and bring positive vibes. You'll be surprised to see how much better you feel about yourself just by hearing it from people who truly care about you.
3. Wake up with a positive mindset.
This is something I have been doing pretty well with. Considering I work almost every single day, I try to find little positive things to look forward to in each day. Maybe it's eating breakfast with my mom. Maybe it's the workout I am about to smash. Maybe it's seeing my best friends. No matter what, there is something good in each day. It just takes a little mental adjustment.
4. Move your body.
Endorphins are key. There have been several times where sprints have been the cure to my shitty moods. It's so amazing how rewarding your body with a little movement is also good for your mental health. And remember, it doesn't have to be sprinting. It could be yoga, weight lifting, walking, or playing your favorite sport.
5. Control what you can control.
This is something my coworker always reminds me. "Control what you can control," he says. It's the freaking truth. Why stress over things you have zero control over? It actually makes no sense and will make you upset for no reason at all. His thought process goes like this: 1. Identify the problem. 2. Decide if you can control it. 3. If you can, fix it. If you can't, leave it be. Simple.
6. Do what makes you happy.
Too many people go through life trying to be perfect (I am most definitely one of those people). It's so important to let loose and just do what makes you happy. Life is way to short to be sad. Eat the ice cream. Soak up the sun. Travel the world. Tell people how you feel about them. Take care of yourself. Being happy is a choice. Choose it every damn time.