Now that Christmas has come and gone, you need to start planning how you're going to safely get crunk on New Year's Eve. Whether you are going out or staying in, it is important to have a plan and know what you want to do that night. Personally, I like going to parties at other people's houses or even throw my own. Therefore, this article will mainly focus on throwing the party yourself.
The first step is coordinating who you are inviting and where you are having the party. For example, if your friends are idiots when they're drunk, it's probably best to make sure your party is in the garage or an unfinished basement. If it's more of a dress up and enjoy each other's company type of party, you should be able to get away with having the party in nicer parts of the house. Basically, know you're guests.
The second step is to figure out whether you're providing a meal, appetizers, or snacks. I don't like doing the meal thing unless it's something like a party platter. I don't want to slave in the kitchen that entire day or have to clean up all the dishes with a hangover the next day. Appetizers are easier because at least you're not slaving in the kitchen all day. Most appetizers are sold in the freezer aisle of Walmart so it's not that difficult to prepare. And if you do paper plates, you don't have to worry about dishes the next day. Snacks are great because it's literally $50 and 5 minutes spent in the snack aisle.
The 3rd step is weigh the cost and benefits of BYOB vs. being the supplier. I like to be classy so I usually don't mind being the supplier. Plus, if you're the supplier, you can get a keg. Kegs are great. Everybody loves kegs. The problem with being the supplier is that it's expensive and some people still haven't figured out that their favorite beer is "free" and that their second favorite is "cold". BYOB has its benefits because everyone get what they want. However, once again, being the supplier is cooler and classier.
If people are drinking, you need to confirm with them that they have a way to get home or that it is cool for your guests to stay the night. Personally, even if I'm not drinking at someone's party, I prefer to stay the night mainly because I know that people who have been drinking are now on the roads trying to get home and I just don't want to put myself in the situation where I could be on the other end of someone's bad decisions.
Finally, the last step is to make sure you have fun. Don't worry about what the guests are thinking about your party. At least they have somewhere to be that night and they can enjoy each other's company. Don't worry about the drama, it's not your problem. Just focus on trying to be a good host, but also have fun.