1. Stick to the subject you're studying.
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash
When studying for a quiz, test, or exam, be sure to stick to the subject you're being tested on, study it multiple times leading up to the day of the exam, this is proven to work better than cramming it in the night before.
Start with reviewing the oldest material, working your way up to the most recent, take your time and review notes, guides and past work. Set aside the material you struggle with the most and keep reviewing it until you get a good understanding, even watching informational videos on the subject can help you get a better understanding.
If you're studying for more than one class then rotate between the subjects but stay organized while doing this, try to review for the classes you're LEAST confident about the most, review all the material and rewrite some notes on it.
2. Time management is essential
Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash
Managing the time given is so important, start studying at least a week before, studying a little bit each day, but be aware of how much you study. Studying for 30 minutes then take a five-minute break, but during this break try to avoid technology and social media, this will distract you from getting back to studying, instead try stretching and grabbing a healthy snack, taking a nice break helps extend your attention for the next 30 minutes.
The time spent studying should be productive and purposeful. The max time spent studying in one session should be no more than two hours, your brain becomes strained and your attention grows less. Always be sure to have a break and regenerate for the next study session.
Planning out your studying sessions can be extremely effective, using a planner to schedule what day you'll study a certain topic helps you stick to the task. Studying can be messy but planning it out and creating a set schedule for your sessions makes it seem but easier.
3. Study with a friend.
Studying with a friend, or in a group (when done right) can be an effective way of studying. Building a routine and have other people to study with is a great way to prepare for exams! An important part of studying with a friend or in a group is comparing notes, this gives you a different perspective on the topic and you'll see what they find is most important.
Overall studying with a friend increases retention and expands your access to information.
4. Find a comfortable environment.
Photo by Reinhart Julian on Unsplash
Whether you commute or live on campus, there is always a great, guaranteed spot to study. Everyone has their own type of environment they like, so find one that suits you, whether it be an environment with white noise or a quiet secluded area. Find one you're comfortable with and stick with it, make it a routine.