Nursing first, then education, then biology, back to education and finally, Communications in Media Arts: Journalism. Five majors in seven semesters. You can bet I didn't do that at a $40,000 a year school. So where did I do that? Community college.
Yup. my first step after high school was community college. And surprise surprise. It was probably, if not definitely, the best decision I made. But why?
Well, first of all I was able to find out what I want to do when I get older. Nursing wasn't good because I don't like blood. Neither was biology because I still don't like blood, even if it's from a shark. Education was a possibility. I love kids and I love helping people learn but, my passion lies with ice hockey. I didn't know it yet, but my passion also lies with writing.
Going to community college was such an amazing decision. I chose to go to Suffolk County Community College and I will probably never regret my decision. I'm in my final semester at community college and while it's sad, because I've made some amazing friends, it's time for me to move on in my life.
Community college was like a stepping stone. I graduated from Comsewogue Senior High-School in June of 2013, throwing myself into my next stage of life. In my seven (yes seven) semesters at Suffolk, I found who I wanted to be. I may have spent seven semesters here, but I found myself. I learned how to properly be a journalist, but not before how to read weather charts, dissect sharks, mice and frogs, balance an equation in chemistry and give a full presentation on the iconic movie we all know and love, "Mean Girls."
To the high school students who are debating going to community college, I can offer you one piece of advice. Do it. That's my advice. Do it. Go to your local community college.
As a young person you may not know exactly what you want to do in your soon-to-be-arriving adult life, it, while you may not want it to, will be arriving soon. As you approach that stage in life, you may have your future set in stone, or if you're anything like me, you think you know what you want to do for the rest of forever, but your mind changes the second you see that first drop of blood (or whatever makes you go "nope nope nopety nope"). Once you change your mind, you're going to have to find a whole new major.
It's so much easier to change your major at community college. It, first of all, is cheaper. Community college classes aren't as expensive as state and or private university classes. Second, you are not that far into your major. If you decide to change it (either once or four times like I did) even if you do it on your second semester, you're still working on your core classes.
If I listed all of the benefits of community college I would probably be here for a month and a half. Use community college for what it is worth. An education, a good one at that, a way to find yourself and a stepping stone into your new life.
I used community college to find my path in life and you should do the same.
Good luck to all incoming students. Find yourselves, set your path and get life done.
Let's go, Sharks!