Everyone has seen the movies with the "evil step-moms", when you were little it was just a movie and you didn't really understand what "evil" or "step-mom" really even meant! Now being engaged to someone who has 3 other kids the words "evil step-mom" is pretty offensive. I would never consider them my "step kids" I know that might sound very strange but I love them just as much I love my own child. They mean the world to me just like my own child. No I'm nit saying that it is always super easy to be the step parent, because its not. It comes with challenges just like everything else. I would never ever try to take their mothers place, that is their mother and I would never over step my bounds. As a step parent you get to love them in a different way. Sometimes you get to be their "go to" parent, which can be an amazing or horrible thing. Sometimes it takes them a little bit longer for them to open up to you, and that's okay. Just remember this is just as new to them as it is for you! Now I wont lie to you, its hard sometimes, really REALLY hard but so worth it in the end. I am sure every once in a while you will get that "I don't need to listen to you because you aren't my mom." Does that hurt your feelings well of course! Give them sometime to cool off and talk to them about it. I know at the start of things you are struggling and trying to figure out how to get them to open up to you. Here's a few little helpful hints!
1. Don't try to be their mother right off the bat. (Give them time, they will come around at some point)
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2. Let them know you love them! Show them that you love them!
3. Unconditional love is always something everyone should know.
4. Be there for them when they need someone.
5. Never give up trying to be their step mom.
It's not easy, being a mom or step mom is never easy but at the end of the day it is rewarding and I truly wouldn't want it any other way! I love all my kids. They are my world and mean more to me than words could ever tell. Keep going step moms one day we won't be seen as the "Evil Step-moms."