1. Wait. Is this Star Wars or Star Trek? I often get them confused...like which has which space ships and which actors?
2. Okay, that’s a lot of words to read real fast.
3. Is this the film with the rabbit? (I was thinking of Monty Python…oops)
(This was the scene I was thinking of from Monty Python from tumblr.com)
4. Harrison Ford is in this movie…right?
Yes. Yes, he is
5. How does Princess Leia know Obi-Wan?
6. I can’t believe they just BLEW UP A PLANET! That's insane! How evil are these people?!
7. That’s the Death Star? It’s kind of cool...and it reminds me of Epcot
9. So, what exactly all does a light saber cut through?
10. RIP Obi-Wan. It was fun while it lasted
11. So they’re gonna blow up the whole thing? The whole Death Star?
12. Oh…of course Darth Vadar survived. Otherwise, there'd be no story.
13. And how did Obi-Wan still talk to Luke? Is he a ghost or just talking from the beyond or in Luke's imagination?
14. OK, this ceremony scene reminds me of Triumph of the Will15. I was really proud of myself for noticing this similarity. More on Star Wars similarities here.
16. What is Leia princess of?? Who’s her kingdom and where are her ladies in waiting?
17. Wait. That was only the first film? SO MUCH HAPPENED, THOUGH!