You look up your pictures on your Instagram page. You see some pictures that have 70 likes, and some that people don't even bother to like. All I gotta say is that your Instagram page is a little boring, and needs some pep to your step.
1. Get a better quality camera
Harsh, but true: the reason why your pictures are not getting a lot of likes is that your phone camera quality is not good. It takes a pretty penny to upgrade your phone, but a good friend that takes quality pictures should take pictures of you on their phone. It doesn't take long for them to text the pictures to you!
2. Change up the poses
Are you sick of doing the same pose and getting the same number of likes. Do a variety of poses that will catch everyone's attention. It looks 20x better with your arms spread out. Blow a kiss. Or better yet, throw your hands in the air like you don't care.
3. Get artsy with it
If your IG feed looks plain and boring, add some art. If you like a punchy background, try doing double exposure. Snapseed is a great app for zooming in the picture and creating that cute background you've been dying to use. If you like to doodle, or add stickers, then PicsArt is an amazing app. If you like fringing and all that jazz Polarr and Pixlr is the way to go. Or if you're going for a bomb collage, download Bazaart.
4. Color coordinate your page
@curtsy.bama on Instagram
Nothing looks more aesthetic than looking in a cute Instagram page that follows a color scheme. If you like to keep it classic, try incorporating neutrals like black, white, tan, or navy into your page. If you love color, try a cute, trendy color like pink, yellow, or even red.
We are all obsessed with Instagram, and also obsessed with likes. When you are desperate for likes, I hope you implement these four tips to make your Instagram feed eye-catching.