To me, without reading and bringing a motivational quotation into my conscious thought patterns, is the same as not having my morning cup of tea or coffee - if I don't have it, there is something missing to my day.
Like building a house from the ground up, I find that the cumulative effect of digesting an inspirational message first thing in the morning continues to allow me to build a foundation of meaningfulness and positive building materials for the entire day. I was recently reminded of the power of these quotations when I read the following quote one day: "There is no giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps." Peter A. Cohen.
We do not develop anything with one giant step. No matter who you are, or what you do, each one of us had had to take a lot of individual steps to accomplish a task, a job, a career, or even a hobby. Each step serves to move us forward even if it is an inch at a time. The people who have succeeded in any walk of life have had to take steps over and over again to get where they are.
And, so it is the same when you are developing a meaningful and full life. We need to proceed as if we are constructing a ship, or a house, or creating a work of art. We do not become masters of our own destiny in a day, nor do we develop the kind of outlook where we can turn negatives into positives, or disappointments into valuable lessons of life. You cannot go through life without going through hardship, pain, failures, or challenges, but, you also cannot turn your life to point in the right direction unless you have a constant supply of positive influences as you can easily find through a daily inspirational or motivational quote.
If you don't start adopting a positive pattern in your life, it is even more challenging to deal with life's issues as they arise, and they will. There is no lack of challenges to face - they always seem to come up without warning just like there is never a good time for a flat tire. Be prepared - always start your day armed with positive thoughts and refresh your thoughts throughout the day just like you refresh your coffee or tea.