Sexually transmitted disease, even thinking about it makes people freak out. But, why? STDs can be tragic sometimes like if you just found out you have AIDS or herpes. Yes, those kinds don't go away. Medicine has made huge leaps where you can help control some of the symptoms associated without curing. There are other STDs like Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be cured with simple antibiotics. Mind blown, right?
Most importantly, you are not dirty if you have contracted any type of STD nor are you sleeping around per say. Do hookers and prostitutes get STDs? Yes, yes they do. But, everyday people like you and me are at the same risk to wind up with a sexually transmitted diseases, as well. We put STDs and whores together. BUT, WHY?
Let me give you a scenario that's going to totally mind screw you. A wife comes into the clinic and is complaining of some issues down under. After examining and doing blood tests, she finds out she has HIV. She's been married for 15 years and has been monogamous all throughout her marriage. Previous to her marriage, she had 3 other sexual partners and only one that she didn't use protection with other than her husband. Do you think she's a whore or deserving of this disease?
Some STDs like HIV can lay dormant, or not be able to be symptomatic, for up to 10 years. So, she wasn't being spiteful and trying to spread what she had. She isn't a whore and she isn't unfaithful or sleeping around.
Women and men, for the most part, aren't proud when they hear the gynecologist or doctor say, "Your tests have come back and you have .." Most people feel ashamed and dirty. They feel like someone is going to judge them. If it's permanent they are now going to have relationship problems on top of a new disease. What did they do so different than what all of us people without STDs do? The answer is probably nothing. They were just one of the unlucky people that got it.
The point I am trying to get across is you don't have to be a man whore or a hoe bag to have an STD and having one doesn't make you a nasty person. All of us put ourselves at risk on the regular by having sex. Why do we have sex? Because, it feels good. We all are like animals, we want it and crave it.
So the next time you would like to spit your judgement at anyone who has came into contact with a sexually transmitted disease, be positive that you have never had sex, fooled around, and you were always safe. If you have done these things you've put yourself at risk as well.