When I read a tweet that said, “Senioritis has nothing on Spring semester in college,” I was just given further confirmation that I’m not alone in this.
With just nearly a month left in my second year of undergrad, I can say that although I am overjoyed in the fact that I resisted all the urges to drop out and survived another year, I also find it to be getting harder to roll out of bed in the morning.
Let's face it, we’re all tired at this point. Trying to find motivation is almost as hard as trying to find a matching pair of socks. And the fact that finals are right around the corner only makes a seemingly difficult situation even more difficult.
This is not an ideal state of mind to be in because instead of being enthusiastic about what we’re doing and what we’re working towards, it all seems like an endless cycle of work, day after day. We exhaust ourselves thinking like this.
When you find yourself feeling like this stop and remind yourself what you're doing it for and how hard you've worked to get to exactly where you are. Think about how crazy it would be to start slacking now.
As if thinking about how much you’re paying every semester isn’t enough to fight the urge to sleep through your 8 am, think about your family and your future. Think about those who would love to be in your shoes and have the opportunity to receive an education like the one you’re receiving. So often we take this for granted.
Look around. You’re not alone. We’re all ready for the summer. We’re all ready for a little break.
But now is not the time to give up, to not give your all. Now is not the time to choose Netflix over writing that paper. And yes, you should go to that class even though the professor doesn’t take attendance.
Finish Strong. Grind hard. You’ll thank yourself in the end.