No, I'm not a townie. I go to Indiana University of Pennsylvania as a student during the academic school year. And even though Indiana, PA is a small, relatively "uneventful" town, I think that every college student should spend at least one summer in town. Without classes in session, you can fully absorb what the town, Indiana, really has to offer.
I find Indiana charming and I adore it. And honestly, it's actually better than my hometown, which is far more boring (not to mention it's full of people I don't care to see). On top of that, after living on my own these last couple years in Indiana, it's hard to have some of that independence taken away when I go home. I love my family and my home, but I also cherish my solo time as an adult.
Let's specifically talk about Indiana now. I have fallen in love with what it has to offer. I am not a city girl, and I appreciate the little moments in life that make me happy. One of those moments is when I can have a coffee in an adorable coffee shop. In Indiana, Common Place and Cafe Amadeus are such unique spots to get a coffee, read a book and chat with a friend. Needless to say, I will be spending a lot of time at these places during the summer.
Beyond the coffee, do you realize how many restaurants Indiana has?? And most of them are local (not part of a chain). That means there is a plethora of unique food and drinks to be tasted, and the summer gives me plenty of time to do that ;)
I see summer as a time to relax and recuperate. Though I will still be working, I know Indiana is a perfect place to just enjoy doing simple things. Indiana's drive-in, Palace Gardens is awesome. Who doesn't love a drive-in movie on a summer night? And speaking of driving, Indiana is surrounded by and filled with back roads, fields and hills. Don't tell me you've never wanted to drive out into the "middle of nowhere," away from the lights, and there?
I love exploring and finding adventures. "Adventure is out there," right? Yellow Creek State Park is only about 15 minutes away. There's swimming, picnicking, hiking and, well, exploring! Similarly, I plan on checking out Blue Spruce and White's Woods.
You may be asking: can't you do all these things during the school year? Well, not exactly. With classes, work and other "social life activities" that are more prevalent during the school year, it's hard to make time to really enjoy doing these things. Besides, summer weather is the best time to get an iced coffee, go to a drive-in or go on a picnic/hike.
Yep, I will be in Indiana, PA, willingly, this summer. And I can't wait.