With all the freshmen crowded into dorms, everyone in a new environment than back home, and crowded lecture halls, it's no wonder that literally everyone gets sick their first semester away at college. Not to mention all nights of poor or no sleep don't help matters.
1. Recognize when you need to rest.
Yes, going to lecture is important for notes, but maybe you can sit out a day or two if it's a class where participation isn't mandatory. Getting notes from friends will be a lifesaver here because usually, taking it easy can make the sickness go away much more quickly or stop it from progressing to a worse sickness.
2. Make sure you're getting the right vitamins and minerals
Your body can't keep up if you're not treating it right. Let's stop romanticizing staying up all night and skipping meals to have red bulls in the library. Consider taking Vitamin C supplements or just maybe eating an apple every once in a while? Please.
I have first hand seen how many people still cough in their hands. And those people then touch communal door handles. Think of that and shudder.
4. No more all nighters. Or coffee/energy drinks after 2pm.
Yeah, no one is going to listen to this. You're still going to go out at 3 am and I've given up trying to convince my friends not to. Next.
5. Stop romanticizing unhealthy lifestyles
It's funny to talk with your friends, basically bragging about how late you stay up, how much you can drink before throwing up, how much unhealthy food you eat, how healthy (read: little) you eat. Let's stop. Please. For me.
No matter how independent you claim to be, for must of us our moms or dads took care of us for whenever we got sick for a solid 18 years. It's miserable to be sick in college, so stay healthy out there, boys and girls!