It isn't easy, let me just say that. Us 20-somethings are living in a hookup culture that crushes the heart and soul of any hopeless romantic who is searching for a soulmate (aka, this girl). I'm sure time and time again you've heard the phrase "Netflix and chill" whether you are a millennial or not and, no, it does not straight up mean watching Netflix and chilling out on the couch. The term is one used to discreetly tell someone you want to hookup with them without ever saying those words, but we all know the hidden meaning. The term is thrown around constantly, usually in a joking manner. But where's the punchline? I used to also think the term and idea of Netflix and chill was kind of funny, but what is so funny about it? Nothing. It is actually sickening.
So maybe your content with this type of relationship that is so normal in our day in age. Maybe you have learned to accept that this is the time in which we live in and this is just how things are. That's fine for you, but it does not resonate with me. Because what happened to self respect and knowing you're worth way more than just a one night stand? Ladies, we have to do better, and guys too! And sure, you might be saying to yourself that this is the guys fault because there aren't any good guys left. After all the guys are the ones that initiate this type of thing, so it is their fault right? Wrong. Because girls are just as in the wrong for being so accepting of this kind of attention!
She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
(Proverbs 3:15)
God must be looking down shaking his head at us. How hurt and disappointed He must be that He gave up his only son and sacrificed His life because of His great love for you, and you can't even have some gosh darn self respect. It's pathetic, really. All I can say is most of your mamas either didn't raise you right or they did, and would be really disappointed with you right about now.
Even more than the low-life, scummy guys who have no respect for a lady, I will never understand the far too many girls out there giving them the time of day. It's sad because we all have the power to turn this around and change this, but instead we are feeding into it. The only reason this all continues to go on is because girls are putting up with it and guys are seeing that. Believe me I get it. We all want to feel love, acceptance, and affirmation from another, and unfortunately most girls will stop at nothing to get any kind of attention. But girl, this is not the attention you deserve, it is far from it.
Ladies -- I don't know about you, but I crave an old school love. Ya know, the kind where you don't get asked to dinner and a movie over text message. Instead the guy verbally communicates to you in person that he has an interest in you and would like to take you out. The type where a guy picks you up and meets your parents. Where he gets your daddy's permission and opens the door for you before you get in and out of the car. How about a guy who does little things for you to let you know he appreciates you and cares. A guy who listens to you and always speaks to you respectfully. Not someone who's hands are all over you on the first date, and has specific expectations from you physically.
This is the type of guy we girls need to be after, because they do exist. Stop settling for the one who comes through at midnight with a "Netflix and chill?" text message. You are better than that. The longer you are wasting time succumbing to hookups and a friends with benefits relationship, the more time you are making yourself unavailable. You are taking yourself off of the market and not only that, but you are making yourself unmarketable to the right guy. Nice guys aren't interested in girls who have zero self respect. So as long as you are accepting this kind of attention, this is the kind of attention you will keep on attracting.
Ladies, in a world full of guys who want to "Netflix and chill," say no and stay classy. Your future self will thank you.