If you are reading this and you are enrolled into a university, congratulations. Getting into school is the first step to becoming greater than what you were post high school graduation. Now the hard part is staying focused and not loosing sight of your goals. Keeping that in mind, staying ahead is a major key as you go further into your choice of study.
Key concept: Procrastination leads to failure...now that's a hard pill to swallow because we all procrastinate, but when you continuously practice it, the chances of failure increases, especially when you enter the work force. This bad habit is the difference between you being an outstanding student to just an average one. For example, if you are majoring in Biology and you know that you have an exam coming up, two lab projects to work on, and a ton of math homework, do you think pushing everything all to just one day of hard work will earn you a solid A on all of the assignments? The answer is no. There is never enough time in one day to get everything done as a college student, and balancing your homework and study days keeps the bad habit of procrastination locked up.
Last, but certainly not least, keep yourself surrounded by people who like to stay ahead as well. If you have a group of friends that constantly want to go to all the kickbacks and parties, how will you manage to stay ahead? I'm not saying drop all your friends, but also remember what you came to college for, and that is to learn.