Going on vacation during the summer is always a great time. You get to experience a new culture, try delicious new foods, learn about a different part of the world. Vacations are an incredible way to get away from all the important tasks you have. You can hop on a plane and just forget about everything for a week or two and enjoy what life has to offer.
But do you know what is better than going vacation? A staycation! Yes, you read that right. And I know you what are thinking, "Um, no it's not. You're just laying around at home doing nothing." To which I say, yes, you are correct, but there is so much more to a staycation than just laying around the house.
Here are 5 reasons why a staycation is just as fun as a vacation:
1. Money
Let's be real, going on vacations are all fun and games until you have to spend your life savings just to make it happen. You have to spend money on food, drinks, Ubers, souvenirs, etc. Staycations are a lot cheaper and your bank account won't cry for months. You can relax the entire time without having to calculate how much you need to spend on dinner or if you can afford that super cute dress at a store that is only in the country you're in.
2. Home-cooked meals
As college students, this is something we take for granted while growing up. As soon as we're in college, it's ramen noodles and fast food 24/7. A staycation at your parents house in the summer means an endless amount of your favorite home-cooked meals from mom. Sure, authentic Italian food sounds SO good, but what's that compared to your mom slaving away in the kitchen to make sure her child is well fed?
3. Be a tourist
Okay, be honest, you've never gone full tourist in your own city. And that's okay! I get it. Why would you want to go around the town you grew up in and do things that tourist usually do? But here's the thing, it's actually kind of fun. I grew up in South Florida, and every time I get the chance to go home, I find myself doing touristy things with my parents that I never thought I would do. You learn more about the town or city you grew up in, and it's a lot cheaper than flying half-way across the world to see a statue or building.
4. No packing
One of the most stressful things about going on vacation is packing. You have to think about what to wear during the day, for dinner, and something to wear when you go out at night. Let's not forget about the "just in case" items that we always end up packing but never need. Staycations are great because you can roll right out of bed and change into a pair of sweatpants for the 3rd day in a row. You don't have to worry about the airports charging you because your bag was over 50 pounds or making sure you have enough room for anything you purchase on your trip.
5. 24/7 laziness
The best part about summer is all about the level of laziness you can achieve. You've worked endlessly during the school year to get good grades, and now all you want to do it relax. Going on a vacation may be relaxing at some points, but there will still be times where you may want to rip your hair out because of all the (other) tourists around you. Staying at home and watching movies all day and night is truly the best way to reach the maximum level of laziness we all want.