You know what I find funny is this need we have to grow up. When we are little we want to be older, do the things that the older kids got to do. We probably even said things like I can't wait to be older so I can drive or go to the movies without my parents. Now that I am older though I find that I int to grow back down, I want to spend my days playing with toys and making fantasy worlds not doing homework, I want to go back to the times that everybody was my friend and people where kind to each other I also want to go back to the times where DS were a thing and you would be on the bus with giant group chats in the chat rooms. See the problem we have today is people want to grow up too quickly, they don't take the time to appreciate being a kid they just want to grow up. I get it I do because I was one of those people I wanted to grow up to be an adult. Now that I am one though I would do anything to go back to being a kid. Life was easy as a kid and life was exciting (well it still is exciting but anyway). My point is don't grow up to fast you will have time for everything in life I promise just enjoy where you are now.
The funny thing about growing up
Take the time enjoy your life