Life certainly has its ups and downs, and during those down times it is easy to lose yourself. Things happen, expected and unexpected, but learning how to cope is for your best interest.
Aim for equality.
Do not be selfish; it is rude. Whether it is a relationship with your mom, boyfriend or best friend, find equality. Maybe you help your mom clean the house and she takes you shopping after. Maybe your boyfriend pays for lunch and later you buy the ice cream later. Find time for your friends, separate from the time you spend with your best friend. Your best friend does not need to be around your boyfriend 24/7. Go out and have a girls’ night without needing your boyfriend by your side. Do not be self-centered, but rather try to find balance in relationships with those around you.
Be kind, always.
People will test you, however, it is best to be the bigger person. Sometimes, it is best to walk away and calm down before you say something you do not mean. Do not stoop to someone else's level, when you know your better than that.
Do something calming.
Resort to something that calming when you are in a difficult time. Listen to your favorite singer/band. Go on an adventure. Hang out with your BFF or boyfriend or girlfriend. Go on a long night drive with the windows down. Or even cook your favorite dessert and watch your favorite movie.
Stick to your gut.
If you do not feel comfortable with going somewhere, then do not go. If you do not smoke, do not do it even if your "friends" are pressuring you. Find yourself some better friends that respect you. Do not turn on your morals or values just to try to "fit in". Have self-respect and do not turn to substances that will ruin everything you have worked for.
Treat yourself.
If it has been a rough week or two, treat yourself. Have that ice cream cone you have been craving or spend that $27.50 on Victoria Secret underwear. Remind yourself of how hard you have been working and all that you have accomplished and then reward yourself for a job well done.
Life will knock you down, but knowing how to get back up will be the best thing for yourself. Never turn against yourself or your values and you will be the happiest you have ever been. People will like and appreciate you for who you are, rather than someone you pretend to be.