Through the happiness and the pain, stay yourself. Never lose sight of who you are because of current problems in your life. Things happen, people leave but never let that break you.
You have to keep yourself first, and everything else will fall into place. Life will be smooth sailing.
Instead of looking at what’s missing, wrong or “lost” about you and your life... discover more of what’s already there.
Find yourself a group of friends who will stick by your side no matter what. A group of friends who don’t judge you for your past or present mistakes. Regrets are regrets, but never let them take your pride away.
Find a boy who accepts you for who you are. A boy who you can ride around with for hours or a boy you can call at 2 AM because you want cuddles. Someone who listens to your problems and tells you everything is going to be okay. Someone who trusts you and whom you trust with every ounce of your being.
Find yourself within yourself and find yourself within these people.
At times you will feel like life couldn’t get any better and then there will days you feel like nothing else could go wrong, but I promise as long as you don’t lose sight in who you are, life will always get better.
Don’t run from everything that happens to scare you away, stick around because it could be the one thing you’ve been waiting for this whole time. Don’t run from friends, don’t run from every guy who shows interest in you, don’t run from your fears, don’t run from your dreams.
Life gets hard, every single person knows that to be a fact. But not everyone is out to break you down as a person and that’s something only you can start to believe once you’ve seen it to be true.
It takes time, a lot of time to trust yourself and even more time to trust other people but please never lose yourself trying to adapt to life and all the changes it throws your way.