Every time you wake up in the morning you are no one else but yourself. Girl or boy or short or tall you are yourself. Over the years you find yourself and get to know all about yourself. You know what makes you happy, mad, or sad. You also know the qualities you are strong, dorky, smart, shy, loving, brave, respectable, loud, and honest.
I have noticed throughout my years in high school and college people are afraid to be themselves. They do not know what the want or who they want to be. Which is fine, but everyone should be proud of who they are. There is no reason not to be who you are. What are you afraid of, someone not liking you? Not fitting into society? Friends making fun of you? That people will not accept you? I have two words for you: WHO CARES?
I know, easier said than done. As a person in society you are always being watched or judged on how you represent yourself. It is hard to let all your colors show. Remember individuality matters. You are special because all the qualities that make you up. Do not be afraid. You are your worst enemy, always remember that. So what if you are being watched or judged, stand up for yourself and let the world know you love yourself enough to be exactly who you are. A lot of people cannot do this because the fear is too strong. Be proud of all your colors. If you love being who you are then most people will see that and learn how to accept it.
I realized I needed to be who I was no matter what anyone around me says. I wear and act how I portray myself as an individual. I became much happier with myself once I started to be who I actually was. I feel more free and open to the world. I feel like I found myself knowing I am who I am. I feel like I matter and that life is a lot easier. Society gives you certain roles or certain ways on how you are supposed to be, and it can be hard to stay true to yourself when you are pressured to be a certain way. I get that.
It is not fair to yourself to have to hide every part of you. Be proud of all your qualities. Even though people might judge you and society might go against you, you will respect yourself more if you are who you want to be. Do not be the person society or your friends tell you to be, be the person who you were meant to be no matter whom that might be. It is easy to go through life and forget who you are. It is easy to do things out of your character, but remember, always know who you are and go back to it. Do not forget the beautiful person you are. In life you will have so many struggles, but if you stay true to yourself it will be a lot easier. No one knows you better than yourself. So my advice to you is: stay true to yourself forever and always.