My Dear Lone Wolves,
Our society has groomed us to believe that we need social interaction in order to obtain enjoyment and satisfaction in our everyday lives. Not only do we require the presence of others to enjoy ourselves, but we need social media to ensure that everyone can see just how much "fun" we're having. Well, I call shenanigans.
Personally, I have never rendered much pleasure from large doses of social interaction. I've always been able to count my friends on one hand, and I rarely spend more than an hour at a party, if I even attend. I make small talk with my coworkers because it's the polite thing to do, and because they are friendly and I do not want to make the impression that I dislike them. But I don't go out with friends. I don't really go to parties or other social gatherings — forget prom. I'm comfortable spending my free time alone in my room. I'm confident walking down the street without a gaggle of cohorts — why? I'm a loner, and that's OK. There's nothing wrong with going it alone. Our culture would have you believe differently because lone wolves are intimidating. They don't need anyone, and that's a scary thing. But just because others find you intimidating doesn't mean you're a bad person, and it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. If anything, it means you're strong. Embrace it.
So stand alone if you so choose. Don't let others pressure you into doing things you don't want to do simply because those things are considered "normal." Normalcy is an idea, one to which you shouldn't feel the need to succumb. Just keep being you because you're cool. You're cool, and you're strong because you don't need anybody else. You don't need to be accepted. You're strong. Always remember that, and don't let anyone try convince you otherwise.