As an extrovert, social distancing is really having an effect on my mental and emotional well-being. Here is a list of ways my fellow extroverts and myself can stay sane during the quarantine.
1.) Keep busy
GiphyClean your house, play with your pets, or binge watch movies. Do anything to keep yourself busy.
2.) Call, text, and facetime your family and friends
GiphyAs extroverts, we NEED that social interaction. Facetime your family or your bestie and check up on them.
4.) Release those endorphins
GiphyDo some stretches and get down with some home workouts to release those endorphins.
5.) Up that self-care game
GiphyWhile we are all social distancing, we need to make sure to take care of ourselves. Enjoy a face mask, take a bubble bath, paint those nails, and relax.