Being a stay at home Mom is the hardest job I have had in my life. I am a first-time mom, and every day is an experience and something new. Even when I think I have things down pat, something always changes.
My daughter just turned 4 months old and she was sleeping through the night until two nights ago. She has decided to wake up during the night to nurse like she did when she was a newborn. I do not understand why, but I feel like a zombie.
Every day is an adventure with her that I would not change for the world. Even on days like today, I feel so overtired and barely can get anything done. Did I mention she is also teething? Yeah, that is fun.
I give so many props to my fellow stay at home moms who keep everything together or pretend they do. Even to my full time working moms. I do not know how you do it either. Being a Mom is hard and rewarding I could not think of a better thing to do.
I try to keep my house clean. I try to keep the laundry done. I try to shower every day. I try to change of pajamas at least once a week.
Being a mom is 24/7 you don't get lunch breaks or weekends off. It is the biggest blessing in the world that I would not change.