There are many ways to stay healthy at college, home and especially locally. Just try these little things and they will help you this winter season.
Drink Water
Our body requires a certain amount of water each day to function. When we drink water, it helps us clear the toxins in our body that make us feel sick to help us feel better. Water also helps hydrate us as well, and it is important for us to drink around eight 8 ounce glasses a day.
Wash your hands
Washing your hands helps prevent getting a cold. Germs form on the hands; thus, it is very important that we wash our hands, especially before and after preparing food, handling raw meat, using the restroom, and coming in contact with others.
Eat Healthy
Dark Chocolate
-Loaded with antioxidant and zinc
Leafy Greens
- Helps prevent colds and flus
- The darker the greens...
- Vitamin D helps bolster our immune system
And many other foods that you eat daily help you feel better if you are feeling sick, and help you prevent getting sick.
Get plenty of Rest
When we sleep, it helps our body and our immune system rest. About the average human should sleep between 8-10 hours each night in order for a good night sleep.
Take Emergen-C or other Multivitamins
Taking Emergen-C or other multivitamins allow people to stay healthy. If you are feeling a cold or flu coming, then you can take an Emergen-C and this will allow you or others to hopefully prevent sickness.
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